Thursday, March 13, 2008

Monday Morning Blues!

Early one Monday morning, on our way to school, I noticed my daughter was not as chirpy as she usually is. She had a glum expression on her face.

“Why are you so unhappy?”, I asked.

“I don’t like going to school!”, she replied.

“Why? You have so much fun in school. You get to meet your friends and play with them”, I reasoned.

“”My teachers torture me!” she exclaimed.

This worried me. Was she, at the age of six, being subject to harsh punishment meted out by her teachers? Was her school, known for it’s orthodox views, subjecting her to corporal punishment?

“What do they do to you? Do they hurt you?”, I asked anxiously.

“They don’t let me play all day! They expect me to learn new words and write them! They don’t even let me fall asleep in class!”, she burst out.

Maybe I should bring this up at the next parent-teacher meeting…

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