Thursday, February 26, 2009

Living in Peace!

When I reached home in the afternoon, yesterday, Stwabbit was taking a nap. Since it was time for her to be woken up, I went up to her and cuddled her. She stirred. She doesn’t like me cuddling her, especially on hot afternoons.

“Let me cuddle you”, I said. “Soon, you’ll get married and go away!”

Without opening an eye, she replied, “That’s not going to happen. I’m not going to get married and have children. I want to live in peace!”


~nm said...

hahahaha...super cute :D

learning early ehh.. :D

Preity Angel... said...

She is so cute

Dad said...

Thanks for dropping by, Angel!

I'm going to miss it all when she becomes a teenager.....

Reflections said...

oh this was too they say "out of the mouth of babes"
